Just another PLUM Day..Not!
"Are you having a plum day?" I remember them saying. It was common for them to say that when I was depressed or feeling sorry for myself. That and the world's smallest violin. You know the one where you take two fingers and rub them together?
I remember my 14th birthday party and my best friend started her period at MY birthday party. When she discovered she started it she came to talk about it the fact that we were at my birthday party went out the window. I remember being sad that I wasn't the center of attention on the one day I felt should have been. I was used to it though. I was never the pretty girl that the boys noticed or popular enough to fit in. I was on my 5th middle school and in 7th grade. Now here was my best friend and the only real friend I had taking my spotlight. When someone finally remembered why we were there it was "Stop being so selfish, she can't help that she started here." when someone else overheard it they asked what was wrong and was told "Oh she's just having a plumday." At that point it was much more than just a Plumday. Almost two years earlier my mom let me pack up what I could get into the car and leave with my sister after a confrontation with my stepfather. The day we left the house without my mother coming home to say goodbye was one of the moments in my life that changed my life forever. It was the moment that I realized that my mother had made the decision to choose her husband over her children.
This is only the beginning of my story...there will be more to come. I want to just make it clear this blog is not to bash my mother or my step father for the mistakes they made in my childhood just to tell my story. Every one of us has our own shortcomings and make mistakes as parent's due to our own issues and upbringing and I myself make mistakes with my own children. I have since forgiven my parents and my family for the things you will read here but telling my story is important to share what has lead me to this ministry. Though times were hard if it wasn't for the things I lived through good and bad I wouldn't be the woman and mother I am today. So just want to say I love my parents and my family dearly and again I mean no disrespect to anyone.
Stay tuned for the next part of my story...